Compilation of Articles
From 2015
What is Righteousness
A Study of Biblical righteousness
Is or Was
Does the old man die out gradually as many claim or is he put to death
in repentance? What does the bible teach
The Wrath of God
Is there Wrath Yet to come on the children of disobedience who claim Jesus took
their wrath?
If Ye
Is our Salvation dependent on Continuing in the faith?
From 2013-14
Have all sinned and are None Righteous?
Saved in
the Very Act!
Not only are they being 'Saved in sin' in the Churches,
but also in the VERY ACT of such sins as molestation, incest and domestic abuse!
How do you 'Receive Jesus' its not what you think! See
what Jesus said about it
Myth of Moral
Depravity Study
This is a comprehensive Study into the nature of man,
the nature of sin and the Nature of God
The Filthy Rags
Can you present 'filthy rags to God and be accepted? Study
the lie of the filthy rags 'Christian
The Purpose of the Commandment
Do you Believe in Magic
Most Professed Christians do. They believe in Magic Words,
Magic Covers and magic transfers of Virtue, not they are selling to the Mormons!